Monday, 10 September 2012

Inspiration: Research & Planning

This is a video I like particularly and take heavy inspiration from for the concept of our video. The abstract music conventions that it adopts is immediately evident. There is no clear story line however I like the contrast between the realistic/outtake shots and then the serious lip syncing images. I think this would work well for the genre of our music video as I think it would suit the playful brand of our music artist.

In terms of editing, I like the particularly fast shots that are used in time with the dubstep beats as the chorus begins and the bass is more clear. This enables action match shots as well as parallel editing to be used between the bedroom shots and dining room shots etc. I also like the way that the soft colour palette of the mise-en-scene is used in the central verses and chorus however this changes to black and white during the bridge. I think this is a clever technique as the bridge is a lot slower than the rest of the music video so this allows the black and white to reflect the sad state of mind the artist may be feeling. This is also effective as it then portrays the lyrics well, perhaps suggesting that the artist has not lived up to the expectations of her 'primadonna life'. I think it would be interesting to perhaps use this technique within our video, as our chosen song also has a bridge that it slower reflecting a dim mood, so this would contrast the up-tempo beats with the low tempo beats. Ultimately, creating a more entertaining video. 

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